This was taken in the hospital. And, truth be told, she was gorgeous! All 10 pounds, 4 ounces of her! I especially loved the pink nubby blanket.
The fashion show continued on, as each new outfit had me whipping out the camera to record it. She only wore some of these once or twice before she grew out of them! For example, this one:
Clearly, she wasn't happy, but she looked so sweet in this shirt!!! This was the one and only newborn sized shirt she was able to wear! It must have been for a HUGE newborn! Next!
Truly, there are no words. None.
Finally, yesterday, she entered the "blouse" phase of her life. Oh, it was a happy moment in my life to place a peasant blouse on my baby girl. Again, I followed her around, took pictures, ooo'ed and ahhhhh'ed all over her! I could die a happy woman! Not to mention, the pants have a belt that matches the floral print on the blouse. (Happy sigh!!)
This picture is the perfect example of why I love having a daughter. The only thing that will be better is a wedding gown!
I would like to make one clarifying statement! If all this little girl had to wear was brown sack cloth, I would still be so thankful to have a daughter. There is a gentle sweetness to her that isn't present in my boys! I am so glad, though, that we have more than brown sack cloth because this is FUN!! Thank you so much, Lord, for giving me this sweet little angel to dress up!!!