Friday, April 23, 2010

New Home, New Direction!

Welcome to my new home!!! Formerly "Bucketloads of Boys", this new blog will be a place where I can share the happenings of my very interesting and highly entertaining family!

I'll introduce myself for those of you who are new to my blog. My name is Julie, and I'm a Christian wife, mom, homeschooler and musician. These 5 words, (minus the "and") are the best descriptors I can use to give you a little snapshot of me. They are "me", listed in order of importance.

First, I am a Christian. There is nothing in my life that is as important to me as this. You'll probably see this as we go along! Hopefully you will see in my life a picture of a woman who passionately desires to follow Christ with her whole being!

Second, I am a wife. I have been married to my beloved husband, Jeff, for almost 13 years, and it is truly getting better every year. For sure, he gets better looking every year!

Third, I am a mom to four handsome, crazy boys and one precious, sweet little girl. (They are pictured above with me and Jeff.) They bring a lot of joy, excitement and angst to my life! Just keepin' it real, folks. They are my heart and soul and every day with them is an adventure to say the least!

Fourth, I am a homeschooler. Thankfully I am surrounded by a wonderful community of homeschoolers in my midwestern state that support and rally around each other, so we have a very fun, full life as home educators! The boys do so well in school, and are learning and growing at an alarming rate!

Lastly, I am a musician. At this stage in my life, I currently sing in my church as often as possible. This has been a very fulfilling ministry for me, and it fits in with my busy mommy life. In my past life, pre-children, I traveled and sang with a christian music ministry, and had quite a wonderful time at it. I gave it up to stay home with my kiddos, and while I would like to say I never regretted it, I cannot honestly claim that! Every mom has a hard day, right?? I can honestly say it was the best decision I ever made, and that God has given me a great outlet for the talents He has given me in the worship arts ministry of my church! He is so good to fulfill the desires of our hearts!

All right, there is the overview of this particular blogger and her life! From here on out you will be getting to look into my weird, wacky, fun, exhausting, blessed life! Aren't you excited??

More to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I look forward to reading lots of funny boy stories on here and seeing lots of pictures of Rose!
